Wednesday, October 6, 2010

And When I Got Away I Only Got SO far.........

It's been just over two months now since my divorce was final. It took me almost two years to get a tiny bit of money from "Captain Jackass" the EX. The money I am getting (in payments stretched out) doesn't even cover a 1/4 of the debt I was left in. My house was forclosed on, I have no savings, and I live paycheck to paycheck at the age of 40. My credit score is a joke. All I've worked for the past few years is gone.

Money isn't the only thing I have to worry about. Because I was married to "Tiger Woods without the money" I have to make sure I'm ok health wise. This involves being tested for AIDS every year. Is this something I HAVE to Is it something that I feel I NEED to do.......yes. I don't know where or who "CJ" was with. It's in my best interest to make sure I'm all good to go.

The above being said, I do understand that I wasn't the only "victim" of CJ. There have been a few other females that have come out in the past two years to tell sexual stories about my EX. They aren't happy tales. There are also a few folks that "CJ" left in debt. Not cool. I totally sympathize/empathize with these people. I understand their pain more than anyone! BUT, I REALLY don't wanna hear anymore! I get that these people are looking for someone that can identify with their pain but I'm trying to move the hell on! My divorce is FINAL! He's like the "gift that keeps on giving" except that it's a gift ya can't exchange!! I wanna forget that SOB! Moving on is hard enough, I surely don't need anymore story sharing.

For those who have contacted me, please don't take it personal. I truly do get the drama and pain that you are dealing with. My advice to you is to move on. OR sue "CJ" for the debt he left you with. I got nothing for you........monetarily or emotionally. I'm tapped out folks. I got nada.

If ya wanna start a club where we can all rock out festive & fun tee shirts....count me in! I'll be the President. Outside of that, I'm done. :)