Thursday, April 29, 2010

Where's my toy damnit!

Let me first start off by saying I am NOT a skinny person. Never have been. I was a chubby kid and have struggled with weight issues all my life. I've been overweight, I've been anorexic, I've been in great shape. Here's the thing: there are NO quick fixes. If you eat sensibly and exercise you can keep excess weight off. This is true for adults as well children. I myself very rarely visit fast food places. I know that if I eat burgers & fries everyday I will gain weight. At the moment I'm about 10lbs heavier than I wanna be. Whose fault is that??? MINE! I like beer. Beer=weight gain. I'm not blaming Miller Lite. It's all on me baby!! It ain't rocket science.

In Santa Clara county, California, they have voted to ban the practice of giving away free toys to children with unhealthy restaurant meals. This my friends means the end of the McDonalds Happy Meal. I have a freakin' problem with this. Personally, I have never seen a kid tool through the drive-thru on his Big Wheel ordering a Happy Meal. If kids are eating too much junk food or too much fast food, it's the fault of their parents. "No" ain't a big word people. If you think the tiny toy in the meal is causing your kids to be overweight, you have a problem. If you can't say "no" to the kids in the car while passing a fast food restaurant, what are ya gonna do when they see a cartoon character on a box of sugar cereal in the grocery store? What happens when you pass the frozen foods isle? Do they scream for pizza and ice cream? Do you as parents buy it just to get them to zip it?

The problem isn't kids wanting a damn toy. The problem is parents not being able to tell their kids they can't have everything they want. When we were little, McDonalds or any other fast food place was a special treat. If we won our swim meet and the team was going to McDonalds to celebrate, we were allowed to go. If my brother and I were in the back of the car whinning for fast food, it didn't happen. Just because a child wants something doesn't mean they get it!!! My Dad said it best when we where young. If we wanted something that he didn't want us to have he would say "People in Hell want ice water. Ya can't have everything you want." Done. That would shut us up. Were we happy about not getting what we wanted?? No. Did he care? NO. Life ain't cannot always get what you want.

Fast food restaurants and video games aren't making kids fat. Parents are making childhood obesity possible. If you have a child that eats junk food where is that kid getting the food from? Another sight I have yet to see is a kid at the grocery store with a cart full of crap. PARENTS are the ones buying the cookies, chips, sweets, etc. If a child doesn't exercise or play outside and sits in front of the TV all day playing video games, it's not the video game company's fault. They are YOUR kids.........raise them! It is not, and I repeat NOT the responsibility of the government to raise your children. It's bad enough that many teachers in this country have to spend have their day teaching kids "home training." Fast food restaurants are not responsible for the obesity in this country. We as people should take charge of our own lives. If you are an adult on the go, you can eat protein bars, nuts, sandwiches, etc in your car. You are not forced to go through a drive-thru place. If you have kids and they stay on the go, there are numerous snacks you can pack for children. Fast food isn't your only option.

If you wanna be a "fat bastard" or want your kids to have whatever they want then pull on up to the window and order. Don't blame outside sources for problems that are yours. If you have a kid that has a weight issue, teach them about healthy choices. Take walks with your kids.......get 'em away from the video games. Learn as a parent to use that little awful word "no." Responsibility & accountablility people. Look 'em up or Google 'em. Until you can understand that YOU, not the government nor fast food restaurants, are in charge of your life, give me my damn Happy Meal toy and shut the hell up.

:) McDonalds for lunch?? Anyone???

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

THE List

Recently, my Mom gave me a plant with little red & yellow flags in it. On each of the flags, there was a word. "Available." "Caring." "Honest." "Financially Stable." You get the idea. The point of the plant was for me to recognize "red flags" when beginning a relationship. I got a big problem with that, as do many chicks. honor of my Mom & her plant, my girls and I got together and came up with a list of things that are red flags. Quite honestly, I don't think we girls ask for too much. Most of the below involves common sense. Below is "THE List."

WARNING: Numerous cocktails were consumed while coming up with this list. I've cleaned it up as much as possible but know going in, it gets a bit racy at times. Enjoy!

* No Teeth
* No Job
* Lives with his Mom
* Married
* Tells you "I'm leaving my wife for you....just give me some time."
* Only hits you up after 1am..........that is a "BOOTY CALL" If ya need a little fine, but he ain't a keeper
* Only texts or hits you up on Facebook but won't call you. That means he just isn't THAT into you
* Beer gut bigger than your boobs
* Man boobs
* Tan line on ring finger
* Lives with wife but says they are "separated."
* Wears "man jewelry" in excess.....lots of gold
* No Jorts
* Refuses to send flowers because he says "they die." WTH?? Ya drink beer and piss that away.....what's the difference??!
* No driver's license
* Wears socks with sandals
* If he calls you by a different name.........gotta go.
* Only comes to your place but won't invite you to his.
* No slobs
* Can't carry on a conversation and be social
* Doesn't have an IQ higher than your dog's
* Likes your friends
* Isn't jealous
* Can't have the same birthday
* No cops
* No drug addicts, alcoholics, steroid users
* No Strongmen
* No comb-overs
* Must have some "experience"
* No bad kissers
* No men that use more hair product than you
* No gay men (for dating) If he watches "The View" or "Oprah" he's gotta go!
* No ex-boyfriends........except for sex
* No bad shoes
* No "sweater" back hair
* No mullets or ratails
* If you're going bald....rock it! No wigs, hair plugs, etc.
* No shaving of the arms/legs. Be a dude!
* No Speedo wearers
* it!
* NO heavy cologne users.....shower up boys!
* No "forcing".......think about it
* No "putting that THERE" without a discussion first. Ass-play without warning is out!