Friday, August 28, 2009

Responsibility........Why are there always excuses?

I'm a total mess......I can admit that. There is a laundry list of things wrong with me. SO not a perfect one is. The past 9 months have been traumatic, stressful, and emotional. I screw up..lots! My screw ups are both professional and personal.

One such screw up happened last weekend. A professional screw up which I truly hate! I did something wrong. I was irresponsible and immature. My mistake wasn't a massive one. No one was hurt, the company's image wasn't tarnished and I didn't get naked in public, which is always a bonus! I did however have to come in to work on Monday morning and appologize for my behavior to a co-worker and good friend. I also told my boss what happened. He wasn't around when my screw up occured and he may have never known about it, but I'm one of those people that takes responsiblity for my actions. At least I try to. Mistakes happen and when I make one I step up and admit my wrong doing. I try to always be accountable for my actions.

Ya don't see many people taking responsibility for themselves anymore. If someone is overweight, they blame the fast food folks. If someone commits a crime, they blame society. The soon to be EX "CJ" is like this. He screwed around on me constantly and his actions were "my fault." WTH?? If he had a problem at work or if one of his competitions didn't go his way it was because someone was "jealous" of him. REALLY??? COME ON! At some point, as a grown up, you have to accept responsibility for your actions. If you blame someone else for all your problems then the problem may be you.

A few weeks ago Jenny Sanford, wife of South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford, made a public comment about her husbands recent affair. She said she felt her husband's much publicized affair with a South American woman was "almost like an addiction to alcohol or pornography."
She went on to say that she thought he was having something of a mid-life crisis. HUH?? Months ago not only did he admit to a year long affair with a woman from South American but called her his "soul mate" to the press. He ALSO admitted to other indiscretions in the past. Does a mid-life crisis last 20 years??? This just seems like mid-life jackassery to me!

Why is it a "mid-life crisis" is an excuse for men to be unfaithful?? Ya rarely hear of women cheating and blaming menopause for their actions.

Again, I am not perfect. I certainly don't have a halo over my head. I've made numerous mistakes in my life. That being said, I try to own my mistakes and learn from them.

If you're a fat ass, get outta the McDonald's drive thru! If you cheat on your husband or wife, accept the fact that YOU screwed up. If you commit a crime, recognize that YOU are accountable for your behavior! Step-up! Accept the consequences for your actions and stop blaming someone or something for what you did. Less jackassery behavior would make me wanna stop pulling people outta the gene pool!!!!!!!! :)


  1. You are just going to have to stop with all these excuses!

    Peace and Love

  2. Preach Mel! i am right there with ya...
